Report: Burning questions every marketer wants answers to right now
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, its consequences for marketing communications remain uncertain. Our team developed research to determine the key impact the continuing pandemic will have on product launches, PR campaigns and events. We asked key members of the media and influencers across Malaysia and analysed their responses. The result is insights that might provide some answers to some key questions we may have and how it might impact future marketing plans, during the current movement restrictions or in the short to medium term after restrictions are lifted.
"Since the start of the Movement Control Order, we have been inundated with questions regarding upcoming PR campaigns and launches. Despite some theories and assumptions we may have at the beginning, we have started a long process to speak to many parties within the media and influencer community to get a finger on the pulse. These findings would help our clients make informed decisions with greater assurances based on facts and study. While we all grapple to determine what is the right move to make, this would serve as a lighthouse as we navigate through this storm."
- Chia Li Sing, general manager of BRANDTHINK Malaysia.
Apr 2020 PR Report
Download the PDF report and view some key quotes derived from media professionals, influencers, content creators and opinion leaders interviewed as part of the research.
// Can I launch new products or services?
There remains an openness towards new product launch for the media and influencers community and will likely to continue to be received with interest. However, negative sentiments surrounding the current situation will continue to affect the level of consideration for these new launches.
Products or services with direct relation to serving the needs of the moment and essential services would take greater precedence and likely see better results. Food and Homeware categories would be more well-received.
Moving forward: Launch campaigns scheduled may need to adapt messaging and rework its premise to focus towards the new needs surrounding staying at home essentials and home-based lifestyle needs.
// Is a PR launch event viable after movement restrictions are lifted?
Willingness to attend an event of any kind is mixed across both media and influencers. There is equal weightage of those that have completely banned physical events and meetings of any kind to those who are cautiously receptive as long as guided by government advice. It is dependent on whether the situation is normal and under control but there is a lack of consensus what normal and under control means.
While large events received the most negative response, we have uncovered that people would still move ahead with smaller-scale private events in closed-door settings of between 5-10 people, with the caveat that all necessary protections and risk mitigation has been put in place.
The impact would mean that brands may have to consider re-working any launch plans that involve a large scale event. These events may need to be cancelled, postponed or reworked from the ground-up. If a small private event is to proceed, there is a requirement to ensure that mitigation practices to assure and protect are put in place. Ensuring that proper sanitisation is carried out such as having masks and hand sanitisation available for visitors. More importantly, these steps and precautions would need to be actively communicated to assure the attendees
We do recommend considering alternative outreach programs that do not involve physical presence to ensure a wider reach.
// Are alternatives such as online content and virtual briefings and launches viable?
On the opposite of the spectrum, media and influencers show greater receptiveness towards virtual media briefings as long as it can fit into their schedule. Those that express little interest do so based on the time it would take for them to attend and participate and would prefer to have press releases over virtual briefings.
Virtual briefings and launches would then open up avenues as an alternative to physical gatherings. The challenge will remain how to conduct virtual briefings effectively in a way that will continue to capture the participants’ attention and to deliver your message.
Virtual briefings can also take up different formats instead of a live one-to-one or conference calls. Pre-recorded content or content produced in a bite-size manner are overwhelmingly more preferred compared to a Livestream. This would allow attendees to watch the briefing on-demand, particularly those from media who prioritise advertisers over non-advertisers.
// Can I continue to seed products for reviews?
Product seeding is an area where media and influencers are more open to. They would be happy to continue receiving product kits for reviews as long as proper precautions such as sanitisation and trust-worthy delivery process. Communication of the precautions taken would be crucial in providing assurance and seamless experience.
In terms of product selection, greater interest will be given to product reviews featuring essential items or with messages addressing the current situation at hand.
Therefore, brands should take note to put greater emphasis on the safety of the logistics and delivery as well as story messaging as it will take higher precedence over packaging.
// What is the editorial focus right now for the media and content creators?
There is an openness to collaborate to feature content that addresses the needs of the current situation now. The media and influencers continue to seek opportunities to create content and continue to be open to collaboration and co-creation.
In terms of content type, a variety of content creators have adapted to the new normal and begin to create more live content including live streaming on social media as well as instant content, stories that are created quickly and at the moment. The editorial focus will also shift to lifestyle-driven content merging multiple brands into a single story rather than an exclusive brand story. Key content areas that are important right now are how-to videos, entertainment content, education content, wellness content and content that helps cope with the current situation.
For brands, this would mean adapting the strategy to adopt a soft-driven approach where the story matters more. To weave in the brand pitch, it would have to be wrapped in relevant stories focused on addressing the consumer’s current needs as well as to be sensitive towards the economic impact many are facing right now. Needs first, brand attributes secondary.
About BRANDTHINK Malaysia
We are a marketing communications company that solves business problems. We do that by telling great stories. Amazing stories. Entertaining stories. Simple stories. Stories that shape conversations, change perceptions and influence actions. Stories that encourage customers to fall in love with our clients. Established in 2000, we have found new, imaginative and intelligent ways to solve business challenges through communications planning, public relations, Digital PR and consulting work. Read more about our PR Agency Services.