An agile agency with a big personality.
We are a marketing communications company that solves business problems. We do that by telling great stories. Amazing stories. Entertaining stories. Simple stories. Stories that shape conversations, change perceptions and influence actions. Stories that encourage customers to fall in love with our clients.
Established in 2000, we have found new, imaginative and intelligent ways to solve business challenges through communications planning and consulting work. No matter how things change - and they do change fast - one thing remains true: there's nothing more powerful, more moving, more transformative than a good story.
Our heart and soul is Malaysia, where we are established and where we operate one single global office in Kuala Lumpur. However, our sights and expertise is South East Asia. We’ve helped global businesses and brands tell their story here in Asia.
Our Culture
Our entire history is filled with instances where we’ve done something out of our comfort zones. We’ve been pushing the boundaries together and stared “impossible” in the face and created a plan that radically departs from the norms of the industry. Impossible is now a test of our collective will and resourcefulness. Impossible is what separates the diamonds from the dirt. Impossible is the starting point.
We’re all about challenging the team to aspire to greater heights, praising the ones that do and holding to account those that won’t. It’s about achieving something great together and making a real impact. Being bold and open means being open to criticism and bold in our endeavours to overcome and learn. The hope at the end of the day is to have a real impact on the collective work.
There’s a habit we’ve developed here at the agency, it’s the pursuit for the best ideas. Sometimes, a better idea means looking at the brief and saying, “there’s a better way”. The focus is on better work and better results. Having great ideas isn’t enough. We have to let it win. After all, we are advisors hired for our expertise.
Maturity is not defined by age but that of the mind. The level of maturity in thinking allows you to make the right judgement and think strategically on your next step. A sense of independence in the way we act that goes through an articulate thought process to assess the external situation at hand, setting aside personal emotion or vendetta - in other words, to have control and think with a clear unbiased view. You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face.
The kind of self-integrity that we’re looking for is to simply be honest. Whether it involves your relationship with people you work with, the responsibility of the team’s work, or to yourself (especially this) - a transparent communication process with one another creates a clearer understanding of what you do and what you don’t do here.
You can't lead others until you know how to lead yourself. Here at BRANDTHINK,, we advocate one key secret to leadership: the clearest way to demonstrate the potential of leadership is the ability to lead yourself exceptionally well instead of leading others. The values you hold close to your heart, the thought processes that guide your decisions, the beliefs that govern your emotions are demonstrated most clearly in your actions.
Nothing at BRANDTHINK is somebody else’s problem. It’s ours. And it would be our responsibility to remedy it. It’s the responsibility of everyone to take ownership of problems they encounter rather than complain about them, or worse — do nothing. We are defined by the willingness to stop talking, and take it upon ourselves to fix the problem. Take action.
To be great, don’t wait. Do what others aren’t willing to do. It’s about having the discipline to do the things that you know you should be doing, even when you don't feel like doing them. You say what you think even if it is controversial. You make tough decisions without agonising. You take smart risks. You question actions inconsistent with our values. You inspire others with your thirst for excellence.
It’s not about perfection - none of us is ever perfect - but it’s about growing. We have to be better than we are today. Innovate. Grow. Learn. Pioneer. Forward. Advance. Amplify. Mature. Pioneer. Propagate. Increase. Multiply. Our method for being great is by being better every single day. Innovate. Grow. Learn. Pioneer. Forward. Advance. Amplify. Mature. Pioneer. Propagate. Increase. Multiply. Our idea for being great is about being better every single day.
One of the key drivers in making wise decisions (despite ambiguity) and exercising good judgment is having your own set of values, that being a set of deeply held beliefs about what is good, right and appropriate. These values are deep-seated and remain constant over time, guiding us in our daily actions. It’s about asking smart questions, identifying the root causes and getting beyond treating symptoms and using data to inform your intuition.
Each and every single one of us, is part of a single company. Not multiple companies, multiple brands or multiple departments. One single company. You seek what is best for BRANDTHINK, rather than best for yourself or your group. You care intensely about our success. You celebrate wins. You are tenacious. You are BRANDTHINK.
We believe in having a well-checked work and life balance. Working hard is important but taking a breather is also a crucial step to ensure great results are produced at work. Nothing good comes out of stressing out on something that’s only going to be half-a**ed done. So don’t forget to take a break once in a while to take care of YOU and come back feeling rejuvenated to start anew.